Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Do You Think?? Narendra Modi’s Goverment is Better Then Congress Goverment

Do You Think??
Narendra Modi’s Goverment is Better Then Congress Goverment

This Quetion Is Rotating in Everybody’s Mind Everyday. I Dont know Narendra Modi is better then congress or not.  But from past 65 years Congress has ruled india.  Every Indian wanted change . Thats the Big reason of  Modi Sarkar Came Into Power.
The biggest reflection is the stock markets which have rallied on since Elections(From 20k to 29k on SENSEX).
Plus Modi Sarkar did small things soon coming into power. Like  on Black Money and Releasing Names of Black Money Holders.

There Are Few Reason Which i Consider That Modi is Perfect PrimeMinister For India.
Although Direct Comparision is Difficult But In Few Terms Modi Did Well.

Foreign-exchange reserves:
Modi’s Time- Forex reserves Increased 12% from US$ 341 billion at the end of 2014-15 as compared to US$ 304 billion at the end of 2013-14.
 Manmohan Singh’s Time-, they also increased 5.4% from US $ 241.7 billion at the end of 2008-09 to US $ 254.9 billion in 2009-10.

Modi’s Time-  Coal from India’s mines increased 8.2% in 2014-15 .
Manmohan’s Time -  In 2009-10, production increased 8.1%.

Industrial production:
 In Modi’s Time-, the industrial production (IIP) for eight core sectors (coal, crude oil, natural gas, refinery products, fertilisers, steel, cement and electricity) grew 5% during 2014-15,
against 4.2% the previous year. In Singh’s first year, the IIP for six core industries (crude oil, refinery products, coal, electricity, cement and finished carbon steel) grew 10.4%, compared to 2.8% in the previous year 2008-09.

 Exports and imports:
Modi’s Time-  Exports and imports declined 2% and 0.5%, respectively, in 2014-15 from 2013-14.
 Manmohan Singh’s Time- first year  exports and imports declined far more sharply, 4% and 5%, respectively, in 2009-10 compared to 2008-09.

Nuclear energy:
Modi’s Time-  India’s total installed nuclear capacity reached 5,780 mw in 2014-15 from 4,780 MW in2013-14, an increase of  21%.
Manmohan Singh’s Time - In 2009-10, it was up 10.6% from the previous year.

In 2014-15, consumption of petroleum products (diesel, petrol, LPG etc.) increased 3.1% compared to 3.2% during 2009-10. India’s demand for petroleum products is expected to grow 3.3% next financial year, according to the oil ministry.

Modi’s Time- installed electricity capacity in 2014-15, rose 10% against 2013-14 In 2009-10,
 it increased 7.7% over the previous year.

Agriculture, which employs about 600 million Indians, registered a growth of 1.1% in 2014-15 compared to 0.8% during 2009-10.

Some Best Projects For India

Make In India

Make in India is an initiative of the Government of India to encourage multinational, as well as domestic, companies to manufacture their products in India. It was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25 September 2014.[1] India would emerge, after initiation of the programme in 2015, as the top destination globally for foreign direct investment, surpassing the People's Republic of China as well as the United States.

The major objective behind the initiative is to focus on job creation and skill enhancement in twenty-five sectors of the economy. These sectors include: automobiles, chemicals, IT, pharmaceuticals, textiles, ports, aviation, leather, tourism and hospitality,wellness, railways, design manufacturing, renewable energy, mining, bio-technology, and electronics The initiative hopes to increase GDP growth and tax revenue. The initiative also aims at high quality standards and minimising the impact on the environment. The initiative hopes to attract capital and technological investment in India.

Digital india

Digital India
 is an initiative by the Government of India to ensure that Government services are made available to citizens electronically by improving online infrastructure and by increasing Internet connectivity. It was launched on July 1, 2015 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.[1] The initiative includes plans to connect rural areas with high-speed internet networks. Digital India has three core components. These include:[2]
·         The creation of digital infrastructure
·         Delivering services digitally
·         Digital literacy
A two-way platform will be created where both the service providers and the consumers stand to benefit. The scheme will be monitored and controlled by the Digital India Advisory group which will be chaired by the Ministry of Communications and IT.


Project Of Digital India

Broadband in 2.5 lakh villages, universal phone connectivity, Net Zero Imports by 2020, 400,000 Public Internet Access Points, Wi-fi in 2.5 lakh schools, all universities; Public wi-fi hotspots for citizens, Digital Inclusion: 1.7 Cr trained for IT, Telecom and Electronics Jobs Job creation: Direct 1.7 Cr. and Indirect at least 8.5 Cr. e-Governance & eServices: Across government India to be leader in IT use in services – health, education, banking Digitally empowered citizens – public cloud, internet access. The Government of India entity Bharat Broadband Network Limited which executes the National Optical Fibre Network project will be the custodian of Digital India (DI) project.  BBNL had ordered United Telecoms Limited to connect 250,000 villages through GPON to ensure FTTH based broadband. This will provide the first basic setup to achieve towards Digital India and is expected to be completed by 2077. Optical fibre cables have been laid out in more than 68000 village panchayats.

There Are Also Some Grey Area OF Modi Sarkar

1. One man show
The cabinet selection was done mostly single handedly by the Prime Minister, as not even the senior leaders had a clue until the last moment about the composition of his ministry. The cabinet, chosen by Modi, shows clearly how he has backed himself with all his close leaders like Arun Jaitley, Amit Shah, and Smriti Irani, who were all chosen upfront in place of more experienced ministers standing for the same position.

2. The Ganga Rejuvenation Plan
As per Modi’s plan to pay his respects to Ganga, a new department was opened for its management, but stands non-functional to date. “An inter-ministerial group is meeting over the issue and they have also formed a committee of secretaries, headed by secretary of the water resources ministry, to devise a roadmap in a month for cleaning the Ganga river. But if someone expects a secretary-level officer to do all planning work then it is wrong. It would be carried out by a commissioner-level official, but that can only be done once that notification comes out,” a senior water resources ministry official commented. “At present, all the departments related to Ganga cleaning are under the environment ministry. So, on ground, neither the environment ministry is able to do anything, nor the water ministry.”
Crores of rupees have been spent on the Ganga rejuvenation in India, but the plight of the river continues.
3. Ignoring seniors in the party
Not including senior leaders like Lal Krishna Advani and Murli Mnohar Joshi and Jasawant Singh Jasol, instead stepping up someone as inexperienced as Smriti Irani for the post of Human Resource Minister is a serious disrespect and a decision much criticized.
4. Black Money Hoarding in India
No effective plans were set to stop the hoarding of black money of Indians in the Swiss banks. While some party leaders continue giving non realizable statements like bringing all of the black money back in the country by the end of the year, no serious step is taken for the insurance of the act.
Also, a great deal of black money is hiding in the form of assets that the corrupt leaders and government workers have accumulated over time. A very small fraction of the Indian population pays the right amount of income tax, and the need of the hour is to regulate it.
5. Deviation from Campaign Statements
One serious deviation from his campaign statement comes with the continuing price hikes in the country. As much as he ridiculed the UPA’s inability to stabilize the economy, his govt’s planning also fails do so any time soon.
As the good points out rule the deficiencies in the governance so far, the hope for the good days ahead continues. With numerous plans coming up, and the repeated promises of the Modi government to develop India and to restore its economic glory, we await the beautiful times ahead.

So After Reading This Artical What Do You Think  ?? 
Modi Sarkar Is Better Then Congress Goverment ??
Give Your Opinon 

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